At a glance
Role Open to all
Course Length 3 hours
Key Features
- Empowering session that supports delegates to recognise, understand and respond to instances of OSH
- Interactive questionnaires to prompt self-discovery and growth
- Practical support and guidance, including exercises and case-studies
Number of learners Up to 16
Course Overview
Online sexual harassment can make a person feel threatened, exploited, coerced, humiliated, upset, sexualised or discriminated against. When cyberbullying is of a sexual nature, we call it online sexual harassment (OSH). Unfortunately, many young people are witnessing or experiencing this type of behaviour and aren’t getting the support they need.
This course aims to empower delegates to recognise instances of online sexual harassment and devise ways to practically support children and young people who have experience or at risk of online sexual harassment. The session will provide learners with the confidence to use the ‘4R response’ method in responding to disclosure and will equip them with practical tools to understand and prevent instances of OSH.